About Our NanoVax® Platform

BlueWillow’s NanoVax® adjuvant and antigen delivery platform is a first-in-class and best-in-class solution for intranasal vaccine development. The platform has established a strong human safety record with multiple clinical trials, and broad immunogenicity as demonstrated clinically and preclinically in numerous studies across a wide range of viral and bacterial pathogens.

Originally invented at the University of Michigan, the NanoVax® platform creates vaccines that elicit a three-pronged mucosal, cellular, and systemic immune response needed for robust protection against a range of infectious diseases and food allergies.

NanoVax®  utilizes an oil-in-water emulsion with tight distribution of particle size around 400nm. The oil droplets enable permeation of the nasal mucosa but prohibit crossing of the blood brain barrier. Compatible with a wide array of antigens and with inherent antiviral action, the technology efficiently delivers antigens directly to antigen-presenting cells for uptake, processing, and carriage to both regional and systemic immune sites.

NanoVax® elicits a Th1 (non-inflammatory) immune response biased over Th2 (inflammatory), which is ideal for protection against mucosal respiratory and sexually transmitted pathogens. T-cell and B-cell homing to the mucosa is triggered for durable cell-mediated immune memory and elicits IgG and IgA immune responses.

The limitations of non-adjuvanted approaches to intranasal vaccination are well-known. There is now an adjuvant available that can be used safely in humans intranasally to enable the long sought-after next generation of vaccines.

Intranasal Adjuvanted Vaccine Development

There are many obvious advantages of delivering vaccines via a simple nasal spray vs. an injection through the skin:

  • Needle-free vaccine delivery overcomes a significant portion of vaccine reluctance amongst the public enabling increased vaccine adoption critical during pandemic or endemic outbreaks.
  • Ease of administration leads to wider vaccine availability as specialized training for delivery is not required. Self-administration of vaccines becomes feasible.
  • Supply chain costs are reduced addressing barriers to vaccine in low- and middle- income countries and regions.
  • Multi-dose vials are achievable further facilitating widespread vaccine delivery.
  • Intranasal vaccination leads to a mucosal, cell-mediated and systemic immune response that more directly mimics immunity gained from natural infection.

How Do Intranasal NanoVax® Vaccines Work?

Our best-in-class NanoVax® adjuvanted vaccines are applied intranasally via a simple spray device. As shown in the figure below, the adjuvant efficiently delivers antigens to local dendritic cells.  The dendritic cells take-up and deliver the antigen(s) to regional lymph nodes initiating the immune response.  This path of vaccination results in potent mucosal, systemic and cell-mediated immunity.

diagram explaining NanoBio's technology platform

Human Clinical Evidence

The NanoVax® intranasal platform has demonstrated safety in humans in three completed Phase 1 clinical trials. The most recent Phase 1 study in H5 influenza, completed in 2025, demonstrated strong pathogen-specific mucosal and humoral immunity as measured with a broad array of relevant markers.  The study results are available in preprint (link below) and are being peer-reviewed at this time.
